“The Kremlin is terrible at keeping secrets. That was demonstrated again in Wednesday’s federal indictment of Russian officials for alleged U.S. election-interference-related activities, resting partly on internal meeting notes by a midlevel Kremlin aide”. Fonte: The Wall Street Journal Autore: Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. Link: Media Needs to Wise Up about Russian Propaganda

“Why do Western officials so often back the wrong Asian leaders? For a start, they tend to be too easily persuaded by those who have spent a lot of time in Europe or North America, where they tend to pick up a way of speaking about universal values that Westerners recognise”. Fonte: The Economist Link: […]

“The distinctions between them on policy substance, however, are somewhat fuzzier. Aside from certain specifics — such as building the border wall, conducting mass deportations and raising tariffs — Mr. Trump has never detailed much of an agenda”. Fonte: The Washington Post Autore: the Editorial Board Link: America has two presidential candidates. Let’s compare them