As the Euro-elections loom, Giorgia Meloni guards her right flank – The Economist

Di il 24 Maggio, 2024
Matteo Salvini looks like being Italy’s big loser

“The personification of Mr Salvini’s tilt to the right is Roberto Vannacci, a serving army general who last year self-published a book so overtly racist and homophobic that Ms Meloni’s defence minister, Guido Crosetto, a member of the Brothers, dismissed its contents as “ravings” (Ms Meloni herself made no comment). General Vannacci is standing for the League in all five of Italy’s Euro-constituencies (this is perfectly legal) and has a fair chance of being elected in at least one.”

Fonte: The Economist

Link: As the Euro-elections loom, Giorgia Meloni guards her right flank

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